The dojo was closed for about 17 months. The NY Aikikai offered zoom classes for most of those months. After all the effort done to re-open the dojo, finally Yamada Sensei got to teach on Tuesday June 8th. It was a very festive day at the dojo.
“If you use external force, you will get external benefits. If you use internal energy, you will get internal benefits.” Kenneth van Sickle It’s dusk and I’m squinting to see my iPad screen in the fading light and follow along with the instructor. This time of year, the light disappears around 6:45 PM and I’m … [Read more…]
Previously published in Open Engagement on January 20th, 2016 René de Guzman defines power as the ability to make desired results happen.The advantage of using the word ability is that while it can refer to a unilaterally bestowed privilege, it also readily connotes a skill that is developed over time. Aikido embodies a paradox that … [Read more…]
Entering the dojo for the first time was a surreal experience. I walked slowly up a narrow, wooden flight of stairs, the muffled sound of banging echoing from above. When I saw my future classmates training for the first time, I felt almost immediately out of place. They were executing on moves that I now … [Read more…]