The Wave of Presence

Previously published in USAF Aikido News on August 28, 2015 Whenever we experience a particularly effective technique we notice nage’s presence immediately. Like a tidal wave that suddenly appears out of nowhere, it can sweep us off our feet while we look on in awe. Presence can be powerful yet subtle, and become the center of attention … [Read more…]
The Evolution of What Aikido Means

Previously published in USAF Aikido News on August 10, 2015 The meaning of Aikido varies among the unique and different people who practice it. The meaning changes even for the same person. The reason we start something is often different from the reason we maintain it years later. Our initial purpose evolves and adapts to … [Read more…]
Deshi Life in Pictures (Part I)

Living as a deshi of a true budo requires dedication. The rewards are immense, though. You can be a live-in deshi (uchi) or a deshi that doesn’t live in the dojo (soto) while you follow this path. Either way, the process doesn’t have to be all sacrifice. You can have fun and camaraderie, too. (All photographs Copyright … [Read more…]